Thursday, June 10, 2010

I have remained quiet for a few days to sit and ponder on my thoughts and yours. Surprisingly not one of these "debates" Ive been involved in has ended negatively. I am beginning to see that these types of life and religion discussions can only bring us closer together. There is so much common ground that we all share. That common ground is the platform we need to use to build on.
Each comment I have received on here and on Facebook I have taken to heart and I respect them all. There is no single way to view anything. It is amazing to see that when you really start talking to the "hardcore" people and start breaking down their layers there are so many similarities. I hope the people that continue to read my posts will all change in some way. It doesn't have to be anything huge. The smallest changes can sometimes make the biggest differences.
Gandhi once said "Be the change you want to see in the world"
And that's what I am doing.
Thank you all for your positive comments.
I was surprised from the lack of hate mail.
Even when there were disagreements everyone remained respectful.
It just proves that deep down we all want the same thing and we are all on the same quest.
It is your journey. Make it a good one.
I will be back tomorrow with a good one :)
I love and respect you all!

1 comment:

  1. I miss reading your blogs and I look forward to you posting again. I've always greatly enjoyed these type of discussions and look forward to being involved in more of them.
